The World Bank
Janmedia was tasked to perform a variety of complex projects that can most easily be categorized as addressing two primary needs of World Bank. One project focused on the graphical redesign of World Bank's European and Central Asian Member Nation sites, while a second project involved the development and launch of World Bank's new "Talking Impact" intranet, which is designed to allow both efficient and secure communication and to boost morale among global team members.
A Janmedia team including a Usability and Branding Consultant, the Creative Director, and the Lead Programmer met with several members of the World Bank staff for a detailed session that involved brainstorming and inquiry that allowed the Janmedia team to develop a comprehensive outline of all elements for this phase one project.
The Janmedia Team was to develop branding for World Bank's new "Talking Impact" intranet that offered both a fresh look for this new project, but also could be integrated into the extant look and feel associated with World Bank. In addition, the scope of the project was to focus on developing Flash Presentations for the twenty-eight member nations and one territory in the Europe and Central Asia region. This entailed the challenges of incorporating a multitude of varying media with the ease of communication necessary to present this content globally.

All of the project goals were met in a timely fashion and this project has since moved on to a second phase. Phase two of Janmedia’s ongoing work with World Bank includes implementing C-MASK technology and the development of new style sheets for the organization's South Asian Region web sites. Janmedia now continues to support several of the World Bank’s core divisions including Europe and Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and the World Bank Institute.